lovelillacs6 commented
The Slideshows news pages are sooooo f***kin' stupid. So insignificant, or newsworthy. Why do I have to click 30 pages to read a two minute article? I already pay for the AOL service, so why is reading an article like pulling teeth? Why put us thru it? What's the point. We all know the slideshow articles ane not worth reading anymore...they're too time consuming, and no one really wins in the lottery anyway.
Carol Piorkowski commented
Totally agree! Slideshow is very annoying!
Anonymous commented
slideshow is sooo annoying. please stop
Anonymous commented
Your comment about 20 of cases come from Florida, Texas and California. Quess what more than 20% of the population live in these states.
Anonymous commented
I want news in the slide show, not an invitation to waste my time hitting "next slide" 50 times to get to the end which doesn't even give you info on what the first slide implied. Waste of your space and our time.
Marybeth commented
Hello, Recently, when I click on one of your slide stories to read, it won't let me scroll down. I am only able to read the first & maybe 2nd paragraph & then it will not scroll down to be able to read the rest of the article. I have waited thinking that maybe the ads had to load but even then I can still not scroll down. Thank-you, Marybeth
Lee commented
If you're referring to the automatic forwarding of one news feature to the next near the top of the page (for the 79 that they currently use, which used to be 81 just a couple weeks ago before the horrible change), then I agree with you 100%. It's just ridiculously insane.
Marybeth commented
Hello, I miss the news slides that you had on the top of the page. They are still on my cellphone but not on my computer...? I would really like them to come back. If someone one doesn't like them, they don't have to look at them. Marybeth
clarence Henthorn commented
it is so annoying the i have thought of changing to another provider