Liberal Academia and Jealous Journalists
Where were YOU liberal college professors and "upright" whining journalists in 2009, when Obama/Biden let a thousand people die before they declared an emergency. What we know about covid 19 changes daily and Fox News wasn't the one who downplayed the virus. YOU and your liberal buddies were. Shut YOUR sanctimonious, hypocritical mouths. YOU all sound like something out of a Chinese propaganda video! Trump is handling this much better than the likes of Nancy and Chuck who are only in this for power and pork. YOU ALL NEED TO SEEK TREATMENT FOR TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME! If Trump had not limited air travel early on, the US would be much worse! And YOU just can't stand that! Instead you spend all day long fact checkin every comma, period and question mark. I think you all envision yourselves as proctologists!