Spread the word Not virus. Initiate Continuous Improvement and Math
Stop testing to Stop the Spread!
Get Data Without a Test.
These formulas are based on world-wide, large-scale data using a common denominator.
That common denominator is 20% (1 out of 5) people that get the virus will need hospitalization.
That's when a test would be required to know what hospital to go to.
The other 80% (4 out of 5) people that get the virus will not need hospitalization.
Use math instead of test and really stop the spread.
Break the paradigm!
Save the tests for the Front-Line Workers!
If you want number of new daily cases the math formula would be the amount of new Hospitalization times (X) 4.
If you want number of total cases the math formula would be the amount of total cumulative hospitalizations times (X) 4.
Asymptomatic people: These are positive tested people who don't have symptoms (yet) (or may never) but can spread the virus without knowing it.
We now know that is at least 25% (1 out of 4) and up to 50% (2 out of 4) of positive tested patients.
I understand it's a scary time, but we need to realize the more we keep moving this virus around the higher the amount of total cases and deaths will be.
We need to start Continuous Improvement and break the paradigm if we ever want to move forward.
We are all in this together so Spread the WORD, not the VIRUS!