************* YOUR SERVICES
Steven Walker <sp46@bidvta.in spwalker_01@aol.com ************* YOUR SERVICES

Steven Walker commented
Greetings, I am Steven Walker, I got your contact email from an online dire=
ctory with my license key; I have decided to write you through my private m=
ail box for my personal reasons .I would need your assistance in re-profiling funds worth =C2=A36,800,000.00=
(Six Million Eight Hundred Thousand British Pounds) belonging to my late c=
lient who shares same surname with you.Contact me for more detailed information and confirm your detailed informat=
ion to me once again. It requires your
urgent attention and I would like to meet with you personally, for about an=
hour or so, to set up a meeting for this at your convenience.It is advisable for you to reply my message today for me to know if I shoul=
d continue with my search.Should you be interested and find yourself able to work with me,kindly emai=
l me with your Full names, Age, country and Direct telephone number only to=
enable me furnish you with adequate information in regards this claim.Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Steven Walker<sp46@bidvta.in spwalker_01@aol.com ************* YOUR SERVICES