bias news articles
I am a long time customer of AOL. Approximately 30+ years. I have been pretty satisfied with AOL; however, I am lately, I am extremely disappointed in the news articles that have been running on the home page. There has been an extreme number of one sided articles and that to me is very disappointing. I am a person of fairness from the top to the bottom and back again and the articles that are running are extremely unfair. 99% of the articles that run are directly or indirectly bashing the President, the Republican Party and anyone who even shows the least little agreement with the President or the Republican Party. I am neither Republican nor Democrat so this is not because of my political affiliation. This is strictly due to the fact that I believe in being fair all the way down the line. The articles have bashed the President in everything he does and says and tries to do and anyone who is backing him or even slightly agrees with him. This is unfair and I am disgusted with AOL allowing this type of bias to continue. If someone does not like the President, whoever the President might be at the time, that is their prerogative; however, they should not be allowed to dominate AOL’s news page or push their BIAS views on to all of us. If AOL allow these articles to run, then AOL should be sure to balance it out with an article which shows the other side of the coin regarding the particular article. That is, of course, unless AOL is BIAS which means AOL is no better. I am quite tired of seeing the nasty, unfair, rhetoric which is being spewed all over the AOL home page. When AOL allows this unfair news to appear without any rebuttal or article to show the other side of the coin, AOL’s subscribers are only getting one side of the information. This does not give them the opportunity to judge, believe or draw their own conclusion based on all the information. This is an injustice to AOL’s subscribers and also shows AOL’s BIAS nature and their approval of such one sided tactics. If it does not change and soon, AOL will lose a long time subscriber. AOL is not the only home page news reporting option out there and I will definitely change. I will also make sure that I inform anyone I know, who is an AOL subscriber, how AOL allows the BIAS news articles to continue. I am not someone who will go away. I am someone who says what they mean and means what they say. AOL should be an unbiased news provider no matter AOL’s preference. Everyone has a right to their own opinion but no one has a right to push their political preferences onto anyone else.

Joel Crowley commented
Your news is blatantly bias on all fronts against President Trump. I'm sending email to all my contacts to drop my AOL contact.