Moving the Goal Posts
You lefties can't have it both ways, but you try hard enough! First, it was level the curve. Then, it was more testing. Those criteria were met, then it was look at the data. The data has proved the deaths are a very low percentage. NOW, it's, "We have to have a vaccine before we open up". The democrat governors are trying to get a bailout from the taxpayers for their incompetence and foolish spending. They are also trying to keep businesses closed. Maxine Watters unwittingly admitted it. They want to hurt the American people and businesses by using "science" as a club! Does anyone see a similarity between this pandemic's scare tactics and global warming scare tactics? Using computer models to strike fear into the populace and control them? ONE more thing, YOU lefties want to prevent Trump from starting up his ralies again!!! And YOU can take that to the bank!