Get an honest Agency to run Media instead of Left wing "HUFF PUFF"!!!!!!!!!!!
Colin Powell lied when he said Obama never lied.
How about Libya Embassy Ambassador killed and Navy Seals, and
Obama and Hilllary that Peaceful protesters were upset over Video.
Also He promised Seniors not making over $50,000 would pay
No Income Tax. Also US Troops in Afghanistan driving up and down roads killing innocent people- LIES LIES LIES!!!!!!

Anonymous commented
Gen Norman Scharrzkopt said Powell had no significant achievement in Army, and indicated he
was in Pres Bush's Chief of Staff as a quota filler.
Was Powell's stationed at Ft Knox duties make him a Hero. I thank not! Only in a movie, do you
see someone trying to rob Ft Knox.
Powell couldn't figure out why so many young blacks were incarcerated. Thou shalt not Steal -One of the 10 Commandments, might be his answer.