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4217th ranked
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4217th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
President elect Biden's own words condemn his railing against President Trump not sharing in the Glory of First Vaccine distribution. He said it would set them back 30 days not getting into the conversation with the pharmaceuticals and called President Trump bad names.Hey Joe, As of today, it is still 2 months till the new administeration. President Trump can wait another month and You would still have the month You said You'd be behind, but you probably do have a lot of slow learners. After all, what is so complicated about loading it up at Companys an delivering it to Hospitals and Doctors. I know you want to getin on the glory, but it Was Pres, Trumps push that got it out in Warp speed. Sorry, Joe, you did nothing but hide in the basement. A U S Combat Veteran
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4217th ranked
Anonymous shared this idea ·
822nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I hope someone will remind the Black Lives Marxist Movement leaders that they really should not hate all white Americans. Approximately,300,000 White Union Soldiers died under the first GOP
President Lincoln to free 1,500,000 slaves. That means 1 White Soldier died for every 6 Slaves freed
That is an amazing Stat- Don't these guys ever read History-No, they make history and it is usually bad history,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
-A U S ARMY COMBAT VETERAN-An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Some people dislike Pres.Trumps bluntness and abrasive talks at times, However when he has to deal with the thugs of the world leaders who threaten us, nice parlor talk wont help us at all. He has built up our National Defense and military, defeated ISIS and their scary Caliphate,energy independent, Reformed Veterans hospitals,had a booming economy & will bring it back again, and gave a middle income tax reduction, and built a wall to keep out Drugs & Illegals. He should be reelected easily.
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2352nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Now that we know it's Hunter Bidens Computer and emails, when will we know which deal Hunter
made and and for how many millions-and how much he paid "pops" and was it the normal 50%.
Also, let slow Joe tell us if he reported it on his income tax and the payor.
Vote to Re-elect President Trump-He gets things done.Anonymous shared this idea ·
822nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Will Biden spend some of his contributions advertising "Only Black Lives Matter!"
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Since it is public record, why doesn't Aryanna Huffington post the Rap sheet of Mr. Floyd?
It would certainly be newsworthy.An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
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2352nd ranked
Anonymous shared this idea ·
1087th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Why were all of the Looters and Arsonist and Molotopf cocktails all Democrats.
The So called peaceful group were part of the blocking group that faced the Police, and then
allowed their more vilolent participants to throw Rocks, debris and bottles over them. Well planned!!!
Democrats burned and looted Democrat Cities run by Democrats. Innocent Democrats, if any,
will suffer and have to pay the taxes to rebuild itAnonymous shared this idea ·
1507th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Gen Norman Scharrzkopt said Powell had no significant achievement in Army, and indicated he
was in Pres Bush's Chief of Staff as a quota filler.
Was Powell's stationed at Ft Knox duties make him a Hero. I thank not! Only in a movie, do you
see someone trying to rob Ft Knox.
Powell couldn't figure out why so many young blacks were incarcerated. Thou shalt not Steal -One of the 10 Commandments, might be his answer.Anonymous shared this idea ·
Now that the election is over, we will see how our Country turns out with the Inmates running the Asylumn.