Watching the Hypocrisies of the Left Unfold
Let's see, we have seen non-stop quotes by the far left media, like NYT, CNN, MSNBC,CBS, AOL. "No one is above the law" referring to Trump. Does that include Antifa, the Anarchists of Seattle(Chaz), the looters of all the big cities? The big city mayors and some governors are AFRAID TO TAKE THEIR CITIES BACK. I see some support of this garbage from AOL! We are seeing the true colors of the anti-law left. Without law and order (not perfect), we will soon have anarchy. If these idiots (YOU INCLUDED) think this is easy to get back or pay for the damage, YOU ALL are worse off than we the people EVER imagined. If YOU can't see the huge money of the likes of George Soros and others behind this, YOU are truly blind! Or worse yet, YOU like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!