Stop censoring my comments.
AOL censors and deletes my comments no matter what. Testing AOL I wrote 'A' as a comment and it was deleted because it did not meet guidelines. Ok, wtf is going on? If the letter 'A' does not meet guidelines but rightwing hate comments are not censored all I can say: good by AOL.
Nelson Paolini commented
AOL and YAHOO are both rejecting comments that are not supportive of transgender athletes. They should not be allowed to control honest opinions on articles they publish if the language is civil and legitimate points are being expressed.
Nelson Paolini commented
AOL has been immediately rejecting comments that are negative against transgender athletes. The government needs to step in and prevent them from tilting opinion in the direction they favor.
RAY IRWIN commented
AOL blocked my comments (again). I follow your guidelines. STOP censoring me.
RAY IRWIN commented
AOL censors my comments . This happens periodically and I do NOT understand . Cite the specific censored comment so I won't enter it again . This happens multiple times per year yearl and I have NOT purposely violated your policy. . What gives AOL ?
RAY IRWIN commented
The learning process for commenting on AOL is frustrating, but what the heck...I'm retired and have nothing else to do...
RAY IRWIN commented
The learning process for commenting on AOL is frustrating, but what the heck...I'm retired and have nothing else to do...So, clue me in on commenting and I'll give it ANOTHER try.
Goran Kjellgren commented
I did the same thing! Everything I post gets censured even though they contain no foul language, insults or anything.
Oliver Lu commented
I was blocked out of a discussion because I referred to "nuts" in talking about machine parts (i.e., screws, bolts, etc.), I rewrote it to nutz and then n.u.t.s. and was then told I had been blocked too many times to continue participating.
Ian Ewers commented
Ian Ewers commented
Take note of all below, do something positive for once in your sad negative lives, and allow freedom of speech.!!! Post disclaimers if you have to, but for ***** sake put it out there.Once again I rest my humble case.!!!!!
Ian Ewers commented
Looks to Me like there is a little gang of Elon Musks in your organisation who think they are the next best thing to jesus Christ, Censoring peoples opinions. How sad is that.!!!!!
I am a Progressive Liberal Democratic Socialist [FDR style] and AOL permanently banned me from posting anything period.
That is called Fascism, so I assume AOL and their staff support Fascism over Freedom of the Press, Speech and Expression!!!
Ken Short commented
AOL needs to be shut down.
Ken Short commented
mine too for the last 5 years. Say anything about a Democrat and you are ban. No free speech on AOL. They are communist
John Regina commented
To all AOL workers who participate in censorship you should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are a disgrace to every serviceman who died to protect your freedoms, and this is how you pay them back. disgraceful.
KAREN CAMPO commented
Appears you cannot call people dumb or stupid for licking frogs,
AOL removes all of my comments. They disagree with my conservative views and my support of Republicans. They have even removed my posting of the Lords Prayer. AOL does not believe in free speech. I have never posted anything in violation of their phony justifications for censorship. AOL is Anti-American.
Jane Dorwart commented
Getting kicked off and banned from the commenting section in AOL makes me appreciate the principals of free speech and freedom of the press and our democracy itself, where in the USA a person is innocent until they are proven guilty. Aol's random censorship is what it's like to live in a country with a dictatorship. You don't even get an explanation as to what the problem was with the comment nor have any right to appeal their decision. It looks like people are blacklisted too. I am a paying customer and should not be treated that way. Luckily AOL commenters don't get imprisoned for expressing their opinions as happens to people in Russia and China for example, but AOL presents it as a discussion forum open to all aol members and it is not. It is some sort of randomly censored chit-chat. I wonder if the AOL censors laugh when they kick people off.
Jane Dorwart commented
I don't think they are censoring because they are "liberals" or "leftist"..On the contrary, they seem to have sort of a narrow minded puritanical approach to all comments. Also almost everthing that is mildly controversial is off topic.
Jane Dorwart commented
There is no freedom of speech on comments. I regularly write reader comments on various well respected newspapers and have never been banned and often get many likes. It is unbelievable. When there was a baby formula shortage I mentioned the word breastfeeding as being a possible alternative for some people to try..the whole comment was censored. Just censored today. I will not partake in any further discussions or comments. There is no freedom of civilized speech on their forums.