Get rid of masque
Masque ruined your gin rummy game

Mister G. commented
It is unknown whether this poster can even get in to the Gin Rummy game. In the case of the Super Crazy Eights game - you can't! You can bring up the screen that shows the players and pre-existing games, but if you try to join -OR- initiate a new game, you get the full black, Masque Publishing screen that won't advance, In fact, there's no way to bypass it. I see on another post here that one of the posters is a paying member of AOL. That individual is ALSO advising that they can't get past the Masque Publishing screen either. IF that's the case, that brings in to question what the REAL intent actually is here. Thus, both the public and a paying member [apaprently] can't bypass the black Masque Publishing screen on certain games... Are they premium games? If so, where is that stated on AOL's Web site ??