Stop being such left wing bias organization. Tell the whole truth. Fact check your fact checkers!!!
Stop being such left wing bias organization.
Tell the whole truth.
Fact check your fact checkers!!
Merrie Schyvincht commented
There are so many comments like yours that I agree with so I won't bother posting my own. AOL depends on their gullible followers who don't fact-check. Obviously all they do is read the headlines but not the content, which occasionally (at the end) notes the actual POINT (but never the truth). We all know AOL is owned and operated by left wing libs, as most of the media is. But I also know there are still millions of Trump supporters out there who are just waiting for the Midterms coming up! For all of the clowns out there who voted for Biden/Harris, how do you like them now that this government has ruined our economy. Do you enjoy paying out of sight gas prices when we were energy independent under Trump. Do you enjoy going to the grocery store and seeing prices soar due to inflation/recession? If Trump were president the war in Ukraine would never have happened. He would have set Putin straight the moment he crossed the border into Ukraine. Republicans will win the Midterms and Trump will be back in office in 2024!
Anonymous commented
AOL is definitely bias, and is anti-Trump. When the LORD JESUS is KING, they will have to pay.