when you can't answer your help line because of volume--offer to call back when a tech is availale
I am SOO tired of waiting on the phone,( with horrible so-called music) for UP TO 45 minutes.
I have done this on Sept. 10, Sept. 11, and again on Sept. 12.
I have worked with 3 techs -ONE WAIT WAS 45 MINUTES.
I worked with two techs,-- each for TWO AND ONE/HALF HOURS!!. they seemed to fix the problem which is, no favorites or bookmarks on the tool bar.
I sign off, and then next time I sign on--SAME DAMNABLE PROBLEM!!!!!
One tech said I would receive a phone call from a representative. That has not happened.
What do you suggest I do?
How do I get the problem fixed?
I have been with AOL since 1996--maybe that's the problem.
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