A Mix of Trash Trump, OLD News, LIES, and Fake News
I read your headlines and it really hit home how Pathetic your rag is. YOU can't even report the heroism of the female Sheriff who helped save her partner, when one of YOUR people shot them. YOU can't even report the arsonist activity on the west coast. Why is it that we are the greenest nation in the world, but we're burning up, NOT THE REST OF THE WORLD? It's because anyone who grew up around logging knows that FORTY YEARS of forest mismanagement is making for the hottest fires every imagined, not to mention your people starting them. (For idiots, MORE FUEL, MORE FIRE, AND HOTTER) Remember the spotted owl excuse to close logging? Trump has done more for the economy and foreign relations in 4 years, than Joe has done in a half century. And YOU support and pass on this garbage all day.