Fire Huff-Get a "Report the news only" editor that is fair.
President Trump and the Vice-President should just recite over and over their tremendous accomplishments-Energy Independent-Reforming Veterans Hospitals-Middle class tax cuts-Booming economy and low Unemployment for all groups-Bringing corps and Mfg back to America-Rebuilt Military-defeated ISIS & scarry Caliphate-building Southern wall to keep out drugs and illegals-deporting vicious members of Mexican X gang-cutting regulations on small business and on and on-Stop yelling at losers and show the facts-Make America great again- RE-ELECT TRUMP!

Anonymous commented
Now that we know it's Hunter Bidens Computer and emails, when will we know which deal Hunter
made and and for how many millions-and how much he paid "pops" and was it the normal 50%.
Also, let slow Joe tell us if he reported it on his income tax and the payor.
Vote to Re-elect President Trump-He gets things done.