How about you quit skewing everything against Trump. The obvious slanting is so blatant it looks like you failed Propaganda 101
How about being unbiased. If you notice everything on Trump is negative; almost everything on Biden is positive, or at least neutral. I counted the number of articles today and last week and the month before and there are thirteen times more positive articles showing Biden in a positive light than Trump. And, the journalism is so shoddy: "A poll shows",
"Sources say". That's not journalism; that's gossip. I've got news for you at AOL, most of us have been with AOL for over twenty years and most of us in that age group are conservative. We only keep AOL because our old friends know this e-mail. If you keep this **** up, I'm cancelling and the younger generation aren't going to pay your rates when they can get everything for free from some one else. Whoever writes and edits your articles should be fired!