Election is over-Now the Inmates will run the Asylum!!!
Unbelievable-Obama takes the Cake-Did you hear the interview he had with a Major network. With a straight face, he was ranting about President Trump causing a Truth Decay in Politics? Yes, the same man that lied almost immediately lied when he announced for President said,"No Senior over age 65 will Pay income tax if they make less then $50,000.I yelled out LIE,which it was.This was followed by," all our military is doing is riding up and down the roads in Afghanistan killing Innocent people.LIE 2-as an ex-army combat veteran that made me angry. At Benghazi consulate in Libya just before 2d term election, when organized enemy killed Ambassador and 2 brave seals, He,Hillary and Susan Rice said,"It was just protesters that were protesting Video" and continued that lie on weekend TV- to play it down-Very Black Lie "You can keep your own Insurance and Doctor"-Black Lie and on and on Does this man think we cannot remember his whoppers?

Anonymous commented
President elect Biden's own words condemn his railing against President Trump not sharing in the Glory of First Vaccine distribution. He said it would set them back 30 days not getting into the conversation with the pharmaceuticals and called President Trump bad names.Hey Joe, As of today, it is still 2 months till the new administeration. President Trump can wait another month and You would still have the month You said You'd be behind, but you probably do have a lot of slow learners. After all, what is so complicated about loading it up at Companys an delivering it to Hospitals and Doctors. I know you want to getin on the glory, but it Was Pres, Trumps push that got it out in Warp speed. Sorry, Joe, you did nothing but hide in the basement. A U S Combat Veteran