Fire Huff Post and get honest news editor
Did you see Obama acting like a hack County politician in interview with National Media network. With a straight face, he accused Pres Trump of Truth Decay. When he first announced for Pres, Obama said,Any Senior over 65 that made no more then $50,000 would pay n o taxes. I yelled Lie Immediatly and it was, He Susan Rice, and Hillary all said the Binghazi attack by armed attackers was just protesters upset over Video. Ambassador and 2 Navy Seals died but they went on TV for 2 weeks telling this lie as he had re-election coming up.Then lied about Health care saving people money and keepng on Insurance and Doctors-A lie, also said U S soldiers in Afghanistan were only running the roads and shooting innocent people-A lie. Had not his mother married a Bigamist, (His Father) while pregnant with him, he would have been born a ******* child.

Anonymous commented
Now that the election is over, we will see how our Country turns out with the Inmates running the Asylumn.