Why is AOL rejecting posts that do not go against their guidelines?
Either stop rejecting comments people post to news stories or give clear words that are not acceptable.
I never cuss or use profanity, threaten or use hate speech in any way yet l am constantly rejected, I notice if l use words like PC, WOKE or China the post is banned, sometimes l need to use these words depending on the news article.
Either post a list of words AOL will reject so we all know or start living up to the good old American 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech...

TRACY CALLEN commented
AOL has rejected every single one of my comments. Why? they don't go against standards.
Aol should be rejected for rejecting.
Motherbug commented
that has happened to me too. i have not said any bullying etc as per listed on your community page and my comments are rejected and i appealed and my posts are still blocked with no explanation!!!
I said "Vote Blue" and they censored me ! This platform is violating my 1St Amendment right
I don't swear but I do think some people of topic are not smart!! -
Bruce Ben commented
Aol is fake news. They dont want to hear anything rejecting Islamic terror. They write articles that give fake number of death. Never mentioning terrorits that were killed. Unless its the leadership.
kat commented
you need to look at the trend on the post. If it is all pro..then the invigilator is pro..you will get any
anti comments blocked for no reason..and vice versa. -
kat commented
AOL constantly allows inflammatory comments, but blocks any comments that disagree...it is obviously down to individual invigilators that have their own agenda...it is disgusting that AOL allow this.
John Weglowski commented
Same here. No guideline violations. No profanity, hateful statements, lies. Zilch. AOL commenting is totally useless. Yet others make comments that do violate their guidelines and are not rejected. No reasons given for rejections. I'm waiting for my daughter to change her email address to gmail, then I'm going to drop aol. They won't miss me me, but I'll feel better.
noelle mesunas commented
They reject my post automatically every time. I file an appeal on my comments, and they reject within seconds and post the rejection above my blurred-out comment. I do not use profanity or hate speech. I am civil. I feel they reject my comments based on my race (white Caucasian) and my political views(conservatism) and my religion (catholic) AOL violates the law and civil rights of anybody they personally don't like or agree with., If a right leaning media outlet or any other business venture did this to a black democrat (or other minority)and tried to suppress their voice and deny them service that subscribe and pay for, , the advocates for those groups would be out in force Sueing them for all their worth.
I suppose that because AOL is a private company they cannot be forced to allow free speech which would not necessarily be the case if they were a public utility.
The AOL censorship is so extreme that I was rejected for quoting an old (possibly ancient) adage: There are none so blind as they who will not see." Presumably, the word "blind" was considered insensitive to sight challenged people? I have also found that the fairly common word "pathetic" is considered too extreme to be included in any post. I see plenty of posts that really ought to be rejected but which are not.
Chris Olney commented
My posts are seen ONLY by me. However many times I post, each time I refresh the page, the post disappears. Even if I write to AOL and ask why my posts never show or get any thumbs up/down, none of those AOL 'Oikes' can tell me why. All they do is send a list of "Have you tried X, Y & Z..." Of COURSE I've tried, this is why I ask AOL help but they are USELESS. AOL, prove otherwise?
Jessica Crabill commented
I've been straight up blocked from posting for over 3 years now. They never gave me a warning, or specifically stated what my written offense was. I just went to comment and my post was immediately rejected. Like you I didn't use profanity, I didn't post conspiracy theories, I didn't use hate speech or verbally attack another poster. It didn't matter. Looking at their community guidelines, and then looking at my post, nothing I said was in violation. They play pretty fast and loose and when it comes to those guidelines, especially when I see others posting vile things and they somehow are allowed to do it. Just today someone posted something alluding to the assassination of a former President. This was somehow acceptable. I replied to someone, simply agreeing with them about the decline of Bide , and my post was immediately rejected. They have the ridiculous appeal, but that's beyond useless, as the appeal is rejected almost as quick as my original post, and you only get 1 chance to appeal. If they at least gave a solid reason for rejecting it, or if you could open a chat with a moderator and state your case as to why your post should be allowed, then it wouldn't be so infuriating. The cowards hide behind their community guidelines, which they can decide to ignore based on who is being attacked, and give the posters no recourse to have their voices heard. I'm getting really tired of reading others hateful posts, and am unable to respond in a mature way. Like another poster stated, AOL doesn't want thoughtful discussion with thinking adults. They want petulant children that call names and have the audacity to think themselves more educated and intelligent. I once replied to someone who insulted the intelligence of a group of people. I said that bullies prove themselves to lack the intelligence for adult conversation. That comment was rejected, but the bullies was allowed. It's quite disgusting that certain people have their voices silenced while others are allowed to spew their hate. AOL is a disgrace.
Chris Olney commented
Just add a hyphen to say China Chi.na or a full stop. If you need to use expletives, try writing them backwards!
Steve Knapp commented
Same hear all my comments and posts get rejected since 2020
BRUCE HERDEN commented
This is censoring of the 1st amendment AND IT IS ILLEGAL!
Chris Olney commented
EVERY single post I make on AOL Today gets rejected (Dec. 2023). I Have complained MNAY times and all I get is the same old same old 'clear cache etc.) AOL Complaints is run by idiots that can only provide stock answers, none of which are reasons.
You cannot phone them anymore. Most of the time, they won't reply. NOTE: The only time my posts 'took' was when a MALE Voice said, "You've got mail", then for some reason it worked. With Joanna Lumley's voice, none of my posts 'took'. This is as if there are TWO AOLs, one works the other doesn't. Anyone have the answer, please let me know?
784 784 commented
I copied an exiting post and it was still rejected
Chris Olney commented
Every single post I send to AOL Today gets rejected. Even the good ones I copy from posts that have been there for ages?
DEBRA FUERY commented
Today I had 5 rejected, no idea why!!! I just used the words 'neither of them' as my comment & it got rejected?????????