Sleezy Petition Demanding Senator Ted Cruz (R - TX) to resign...
I noticed that ridiculous petition calling Senator Ted Cruz to resign and saw no justification or any explanation for it. It is just another piece of the Communists' (left-wing) propaganda so prevalent on He is one of the sane voices up on the Hill compared to the brainless maniacs in D.C. wanting to blow trillions of dollars for socialism, rely on green energy that does NOT keep you powered in cold, dark weather, or to befriend vicious Islamic jihadists near Israel and in Iran who have little difference from the Nazis except in religion and appearance. I could keep going: Just the tip of the proverbial Iceberg...
Why not have petitions calling for the resignations of the ultimately corrupt New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, now known to be responsible for endangering thousands of elderly New Yorkers to COVID in their rest homes?
Or of our supposed "President" Joe Biden trying to actively re-engage in willful collusion with Iran, an avowed enemy of the United States? Engaging in or giving aid to America's enemies: I believe that is called TREASON.
Or of Alexandria Occasio Cortez' endless nonsense regarding national finances? Or Rashida "Taliban" Talib and her fellow "Squad" nitwits openly supporting vicious Islamic Jihadists attacking Israel right now?
How 'bout it, AOL? Could you at least show both sides if you post political stuff? I'm another Texan tired of the Pro-Communist and constant Trump/Conservative/America-bashing propaganda.
Should sounded off on this nonsense years ago...