Your Opinion Means Less
Is AOL News liberal? Lets see...
Clue #1: remove the comment section in "news" articles so members cannot debate the "opinions" of the journalists.
Clue #2: force all Verizon email customers onto the AOL platform so they are subjected to AOL's version of the news just to read their own emails.
Clue #3: Look up the public knowlege "charities" that AOL provides funds to using members' fees. Quite enlightening.
Clue #4: Attempt to find one (just ONE) AOL article the does not denigrate, smear, lie or otherwise be untruthful to Republicans who democrats are now using as their own policies ("cages" and immigration, anyone?), stating that their solution is kinder and gentler.
Unlike most of the folks who work for AOL News, I actually have to get back to real work now, where there are consequences for my actions. Apparently, AOL does not have that limitation in their employee handbook.