By actually printing Factual news
The articles you print are so laughable, How dare you call this AOL news!! The only thing I get from your articles is a good laugh. Although, what does scare me is that some of your subscriber's believe this trash to be true, which should scare everyone. Remember Barnum and Bailey said there is a ****** born every minute!!

Me Freedom commented
What do you expect from Communist Democrats?
Aolcensorsarefruits commented
Do they not have auto correct? These articles are a joke. No substance and a complete lack of knowledge about the English language. I wrote better, much more accurate stories when I was five years old.
steven murray commented
The articles you print are so laughable, How dare you call this AOL news!! The only thing I get from your articles is a good laugh. Although, what does scare me is that some of your subscriber's believe this trash to be true, which should scare everyone. Remember Barnum and Bailey said there is a ****** born every minute!!