Pinochle game....why are the comp p's so inept or is it the monitor?
Fact: 1)I have been playing pinochle for over 50 yrs;2) I have enjoyed playing pinochle live, online in igames (the best), yahoo games, and now here' 3) I generally play against the computer b/c most people take way too long to play a highlighted card; one doesn't know if they are playing the game or with themself; 4) Yes, I have a crude way of expressing myself when ticked off...and I generally don't hold back.
1) Meld is not evenly distributed throughout the games so generally the computer opponents have most of the meld. Many hands they take the bid with over 50 meld whereas my comp p and I have less than 50 to meld upon taking a hand.
2) There is random reneging by the computer opponents.
3) My comp p for the most part overbids their hand with bids 3 or more better than the previous bid and melds but 2.
The aforementioned has occurred over the past 100 games I've played here. I'm wondering why? The games, in light of the pandemic, should be an enjoyable entertainment. With such incidents as mentioned it is anything but 'enjoyable.'
I would like a respone.