Community Guidelines
AOL has failed to protect the 1st Amendment..
I have been Suspended for NO one can tell me!!!! Just speaking the Truth? Or opposing a comment?

Michael Stein commented
This must all end.
Joe Phillips commented
"There is NO don't Say Gay Bill in the state of Florida" apparently violates AOL's community guidelines when I was just replying to AOL's story about "Florida's Don't Say Gay Bill".....If it wasn't so sad it would really be funny. I understand why people say that Liberalism is the most dangerous form of mental illness.
Jim Rachell commented
To this point so far all I see is the same conclusion, AOL only edits or deletes conservative posts, and has for years..I know, it has happened to me many times, and it happened today when I told Dems to us their aborting skills and become Exterminators, thousand of pests out theiri nvading home.
My comment has been raked 6179th so much for aol users
No one will even call me back