DISNEY in Florida
Disney has enjoyed a weeetheart deal all these years that was always a bit too much. Now Disney has started operating attrations that cost over $5000 to attend - hardly for the common visitor. And all of this is over them to supporting the right for gays, lesbians, TS to teach their lifestyle to 4 to 8 year olds WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT ! Disney
now thinks that is desirable to ignore parental rights and decisions.
Remember that when you got to Disney they keep all those taxes they charge you ! It is an independent "city" which creates it's own rules without votes ! And noe they are fighting the rights of parents to say
that their kids will be forced to be indocrinated by the gay/lesbian/
homosexual community. Dissney is also introducing all of these come-
cepts into their children's programming. It really is a magical kingdom
isn't it ????