where's the comment section???
why are you denying FREE SPEECH???

Cross Js commented
Really, Prince William 'kneeled' - good grief.
Knelt is the correct terminology. I cringe at reading some of the dreadful writing - hope you are paying the semi-literate inept people very little?
hogie carr commented
un able to comment in converrsations....why?
V Myer commented
Why have a comment link that doesn't work? If you don't want people's opinions, get rid of the comment section.
You run articles entitled we may pay more for oil because Saudi is decreasing their production.. do you understand economics 101? of course there going to do that with the socail elite running this countryt where oil is a 4 letter word...we have plenty of oil here so why rely on foreign oil.. Trump never wanted this . If you enjoy paying more at the pumpit just shows how stupid you really are! When Biden took over he immediately cut the pipeline from Canada the first day he was prsident. Wake up milennials and Z's.
How do I get unblocked in the comment section?
Randy Slemmer commented
How does this statement violate standards:
The facts on trump clearly show that he has destroyed the republican party and those in it who continue to try and interfere with the justice department in the USA. There is no valid reason or law that should allow anyone to not be held accountable, whether you are a former president or just anothe...See more
Randy Slemmer commented
who do you have to know to get a comment that offends knowone on this site????????????
I want my original AOL mail site back. The new one is too confusing, especially for those
of us getting older and being forced into a new routine. The original site completely satisfied
my mail needs; the new one is a GIGANTIC NUISANCE!!!!!! I chose to keep my old site; it is
my site; I do not appreciate AOL interfering with my mail or other preferences on line. -
Loree Devine commented
after defending AOL's policy of censoring comments favorable or non-favorable to items particularly about politics (with Trump as the clown that he is) - for every 10 times I have replied to or made a statement, 9 of them have been rejected. am sick and tired of this practice. where is my freedom of speech, be it written or spoken??? but anytime that my speech or written comments are rejected - there is no comment from AOL as to why.
We need a place to reply to any article.
Joe Parascand commented
I actually am an AOL user from it's origin, but it has moved so far to the LEFT that I can't look at TODAY anymore -I just go to my email. I hate what this USA I knew in the 40s and 50s of my youth shifted to what it's become! Where have the patriots gone- never mind Joe D- and I have seen him play!!!
I just can't look at the daily LEFTEST headlines- always bashing the RIGHT" RIGHT" use to "correct" like in CIVIL----not any more in AOL LAND!!!!! -
Joe Parascand commented
You are a commie group
Al Levine commented
thats because trump wrote his speech for tonite
Personally the only ones who benefitted with the invasion at the state building was the Democrats.
Pence, could have had them check the evidence of the failed election, Demo's couldn't have this happen and so they paid people or arranged it to upset the whole deal.
Trump was never for attacking anything or anyone, but only wanted for someone to really look at the facts of fraud in our voting system. -
Eric Shane commented
Report Yahoo AOL and its corrupt praxtices to Ohio Congressmen Jim Jorden oh04ima@mail.house.gov.
Kathleen CHAPMAN commented
It's important for people to give feedback on your articles.
Where is the 'Comments' Section? Why was it dropped/disabled without an explanation? Or is it going to be gone for two years- for "improvements"- like Yahoo's comments sections was?
Bring it back! -
Jane Montegro commented
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True Velvet commented
Yes STOP censoring!!!
Rose Nunez commented
They blocked me too cause my ideas don't follow theirs. They don't allow us to put any comment that is against this administration