AOL's censoring software is poorly conceived and executed
I made the following comment, and it was outright rejected even though it did not violate TOS:
"Erika4489, aol doesn't edit posts. They sometimes put them on hold and/or reject them. When a post says "(Edited)," it means the original author of the post did the editing. See those three dots to the right of your name? If you click on the three dots for one of your own comments, you can choose to edit or delete your comment. If you click on the three dots for someone else's post, you can choose to report the post or to mute the person."
It was a helpful post for a person who doesn't understand aspects of the comments section. I thought maybe it was because I used her moniker or used the word "you" too many times. So I tried again and posted, "AOL doesn't edit posts. AOL sometimes puts comments on hold and/or rejects them. When a post says that it is edited, it means the original author did the editing. For one's own posts, selecting the three dots to the right of one's name will give the person the options to edit or delete the post. Clicking on the three dots for someone else's post will give the options to report the comment or mute the person." This post was also rejected outright.
Neither of these comments violated TOS. They were nothing but helpful. There was no profanity, no identity attack, no hate speech, no spam, no false information, and no sexual activity. Now the person to whom I was responding will remain ignorant about how to edit or delete a comment or how to report someone's comment that DOES violate TOS.
My suggestion is that aol explain why a comment was rejected and that aol add an option to a rejected post that allows the poster to object to the rejection so that it is reviewed by an actual person since your censoring software leaves a lot to be desired.