Advertise AOL to Yahoo users using Google ads.
Right now, Yahoo has so many readers using their news feed that they are actively trying to get rid of them. At least half of the Yahoo commenters have openly expressed how badly they wished there was another news feed, comparable to Yahoo's, where they could go read articles and make comments. Meanwhile, AOL is a ghost town, because they don't advertise their existence, so nobody knows their news feed exists! If AOL advertised on Yahoo, half of Yahoo's readers would leave for AOL, bringing in more ad revenue for AOL, making this site more interesting for those of us already here, and giving Yahoo the break they have longed for. At AOL, we want to think somebody will read our comments, so we need more company here at AOL, and Yahoo's readers fear that their own comments will get lost like a needle in a haystack. Many Yahoo users have repeatedly expressed their wish to go elsewhere to comment, and their certainty that there is no other newsfeed with a similar format to Yahoo's.