I am logged in but cannot post comments
AOL Mail shows I'm logged in. The top of the news stories say I'm logged in. But when I got to comments, it says to log in at the top of the comments. I can see that other people are commenting, but I can't comment. This has happened before, like whoever is in charge of the comments section is screwing with users, but only some users. Knock it off or fix things. And stop "fixing" things that aren't broken, because when you do that, you only make things worse, aol.

Becky Frost commented
I'm reading all these comments below and it is exactly what is happening to me. Sometimes I comment but not often. I am ALWAYS respectful and abide by the rules. Shocked to find out I'm blocked. The ONLY, ONLY thing I'm guessing is because I'm defending Trump with actual facts. I guess AOL is part of the "machine"
******** have locked me out from posting without any reason will appeal to Fed. Hindering of free speech.
Hal Walton commented
AOL isn't getting the kinds of comments they like, so they are now actively shadow-banning the subscribers from making them. That is weak, AOL.
Nannette McGowan commented
It's not bad enough that for nearly 4 years all of my comments have been rejected even though I am polite and adhere to the guidelines but NOW, when I open the comment threads, I can't even give a thumbs up or thumbs down because it won't allow me to be logged into the comment threads. It shows I'm logged into AOL. It shows that I'm logged in at the upper right hand corner of the news article. When I open the comment threads, it says I'm not logged in and won't allow me to log in.
I have been a paying customer of AOL for more than 30 years. I contacted AOL by phone to try to resolve the issue and they said they couldn't do anything because Open Web runs the comment threads and that they are the ones who blocked me. I contacted Open Web and was told that they couldn't do anything because AOL had blocked me. They just point the finger of blame at each other and give you no option to resolve the issue. I just want them to tell me WHY they've done this to me as a long term paying customer. There are so many vulgar trolls and people who copy and paste the same stuff multiple times on multiple threads. They don't block them but they've blocked me for no apparent reason. Now I can't even give a thumbs up or thumbs down. WOW!
James Curie commented
It's called one AOL moderators put you in a timeout because they didn't like your opinion so they locked you out for a day or two or a few hours. I would say this to AOL if you're going to do that at least have the decency to tell us why it's real simple just email the account.
MARY DURFEY commented
agreed and I cannot today post or thumbs up or down
WES FISH commented
Why do my commnets not post much of the time. No foul language is ever there, just truthful charicatures.
WES FISH commented
My comments do notpost half the time. If I do not agree with something I cannot say so? Good grief, what is the point of comments? Meanwhile the comments are full of name calling by both sides of our political system.