Please, as ocean insurgence continues to take int'l coasts, share journalism rooted in care for elderly. Plz stop disrespecting politicians.
I am saddened by America Online's decision to share such negative words, regarding former President Donald J. Trump. Why is it alright to smear someone and slander their legacy as a father, husband, grandfather, brother, and former President of a nation that is so despressed emotionally by all that we are trying to embrace as one humanity. Why must he open his eyes each morning, after just losing his beloved sister, to be made to feel so very badly by America Online. I am moved to tears by the injustice and shameful abuse that journalist are giving to our dear leaders, decendants of fore-fathers who in good faith, AOL, gave their lives to a vision that they tried their very best to fulfill. The Second Ammendment is a not a hand gun to be waived, boastfully. It is not a speeding car to roll over the feet of a man. I am heartbroken to see the *********** of judgement that we are chosing to share, rather than to share love and concern in honesty about the billions of fathers and mothers who are aboard ships, helicopters and in the sand measuring buildings that will need to be removed, while this man, does all possible, to use his phone and his family, to help the world.
May Allah forgive America Online
Christina Machado