campaign government fraud.
What gives the vice president the right to use tax payer money to campaign for president? No one else can it has to come out of their own pocket or campaign fund. I was told that no one can use tax payers money for this as it is their own decision to run. When a vice president tried to use the presidential jet and secret service and vehicles etc. that was paid for by our tax dollars he was told if he did he would be defrauding the US Govt. tax dollars as he was running for his own campaign for pres. What gives her the right to use tax payer dollars to run her campaign and the pres. also using tax payer dollars to endorse her on our dime for his time? Not all tax payers want her the laughing hyena as pres. as she is a total lyer in just about every issue. I do not want Trump either but he is the lesser of two evils. What is she going to do with another 911 laugh it off because she was the one to let the terrorist across the border?Feed,house and pay them on our tax dollar when we have our tax payers going homeless and starving, and dying because they can not afford medical treatment. I do not know who to ask this question to get answers so I am asking you AOL. help me get answers thank you for your time in this mater.