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  2. You can't

    You can't improve AOL it is beyond repair. It has been butchered by advertisers, pundits, opinionated reporters from all organizations and from within to where you can't get reliable news.

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  3. You can't

    You can't improve AOL it is beyond repair. It has been butchered by advertisers, pundits, opinionated reporters from all organizations and from within to where you can't get reliable news.

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  4. Get rid of stories which have "NEXT" links. When I come to a "NEXT"... I click the back or "X" and close the window & look elsewhere

    Get rid of stories which have "NEXT" links. When I come to a "NEXT"... I click the back or "X" and close the window & look elsewhere on other platforms.

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  5. Who Has the "Right" Message on Kneeling?

    Those that are kneeling for the National Anthem need to change the way THEY communicate, not US who understand it as disrespect for the flag! If you don't believe it, just watch what happens to NFL ratings if the kneeling is televised!

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  6. Trump Rally Causes Health Concerns?

    The LEFTISTS (you included) were not concerned at all about "health" when the protests were happening! And even less concerned about the criminal behavior, as if "they deserved to act criminally"! You can't publish what I and others think of your brand of "journalism"! Excuse me while I go puke!

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  7. report all news

    how about reporting about the 8 people shot in Wyndanch NY last nigh? I guess black on black crime doesn't matter, huh?

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  8. Real News?

    Around 95% of your "news" is opposition research. Remember the Steele Dossier? It was paid for by hillary and the dnc. The fisa requests have mostly been proven bogus. There are hand written notes that prove our "esteemed" fbi was heavily involved in trying to get rid of Trump. YOU will have to report on these things when they become so loud, that even YOU can't ignore them. (Biden is toast) That's what the nyt was trying to tell everyone when they asked for an investigation. That's some of the REAL NEWS!

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  9. Watching the Hypocrisies of the Left Unfold

    Let's see, we have seen non-stop quotes by the far left media, like NYT, CNN, MSNBC,CBS, AOL. "No one is above the law" referring to Trump. Does that include Antifa, the Anarchists of Seattle(Chaz), the looters of all the big cities? The big city mayors and some governors are AFRAID TO TAKE THEIR CITIES BACK. I see some support of this garbage from AOL! We are seeing the true colors of the anti-law left. Without law and order (not perfect), we will soon have anarchy. If these idiots (YOU INCLUDED) think this is easy to get back or pay for…

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  10. Refrain from being hypocritical

    I attempted to post a comment on Megyn Kelly rails against censorship. I wrote the following: But its ok to have Black-ish and BET TV etc. I quess it was all good when Jemele Hill did an interview for MSNBC wearing a F*ck it I'm protesting Tshirt where the host complimented her shirt before ending the interview. Once I hit POST, It was rejected saying your comment was rejected as apparently it was not aligned with our "Community Guideline. First off I do admit, it the tshirt she wore on live tv does not align with Community Guideline, therefore shouldn't…

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  11. 1500th ranked

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  12. The Left's Dystopian Nightmare

    This is the first in a series of what the left wants us to believe.1. Somehow it's un-American to count how many Americans there are in America. 2. Russians "trying to influence our elections is bad", but illegals (undocumented to you) voting is good. This is just the beginning of the idiocy!

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  13. 4192nd ranked

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  14. 4192nd ranked

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  15. Remember YOUR Condemnation of the Lockdown Protesters?

    Just a week or so ago, YOU AOL were condemning the haircut protesters. THEY were not doing any harm! But somehow, now protesting and riots and looting seems OK with YOU over what YOU call "systemic racism". How is it that "systemic racism" only occurs in big cities that are controlled by democrats. Why didn't the democrats make changes in police response if they saw a problem? All the problems that have been around for however long HAVE NOT been addressed by the democrats who want the black vote. And somehow these issues are all Trump's fault? YOU are pathetic…

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  16. Giving Nancy credit?

    Many lawmakers, including dems are plugging their noses on this vote. I think Nancy has just insured Trump's relection, taking back the house and expanding senate majority. So, YOU PUNDITS, (whose ratings are lower, Trump is higher) can paste this headline anywhere you want. Many prominent democrats agree with JUST that.

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  17. Learn From the Weather Underground/ Weathermen of the Sixties and Seventies

    Everything going on is almost a carbon copy of violent groups co-opting a cause. (ie Weathermen) Only this time it's antifa and similar groups. Their goals were socialist in nature with violence thrown in.(Sound familiar?") The important thing to remember is that their leader was Bill Ayers and guess who was a frequent guest of Bill's? IT WAS BARRY OBAMA! This is what YOU should have told everyone back in 2007! What will come out in time, is who is funding the "protesters"? Probably the likes of Soros and other filthy rich agitators, who would benefit from the demise of…

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  18. Consider YOUR Bias, Pundits

    Remember the H1N1 virus in 2009? OBAMA WAITED UNTIL 1000 Americans died until he called an emergency! YOU PUNDITS kissed his behind and praised him the whole time! I've seen many of the clips from that era. Every time I see one of the headline NOW I want to puke! Go back and look at what YOU and the other pundits said back then and bathe in you bias!!!!

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  19. 2.5 million jobs added-first good news in months and a red-letter day (or black as in Black Friday) and its not in your today's news?

    Start reporting news that promotes America, not news that tears it down. Better yet, eliminate your editorializing with your biased selection of what you deem newsworthy and report all the news. In fact, why don't you create two columns, label them left and right and see if you can't put equal amounts of news in each column, since you are already editorializing what you place in front of us and should have no difficulty in determining what news goes in which column! In short, stop the Goebbelizing that you and your ilk are so good at!!

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  20. Study of Hydroxychloroquine Used to Trash Trump DEBUNKED

    A database used by Surgisphere (a Chicago based company, imagine that) that was used by Lancet in an article claiming a higher risk of death for those taking the drug, HAS BEEN RETRACTED. Another article using Surgisphere published by New England Journal of Medicine in a different study on blood pressure meds raising death risk for covid has been retracted also. NOT A MENTION FROM YOU OR YOUR COHORTS AT THE ALPHABET NEWS AGENCIES! Exactly what goes on every day at your rag.

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