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2411 results found
Cancel your AOL email and subscription and find an alternative.
Figure out a way to say "ADIOS" to AOL. Yes, it may be a hassle, but they have shown they only exist to promote the leftist, unAmerican agenda.
SEND THEM A MESSAGE!!2345th ranked -
AOL is lying when they pretend that the potential for violence will come from Trump supporters and conservatives.
Not being so fricking Democrat or political its nauseating
Not being a Trump blaster.... Sick of your democratic ********
2345th ranked -
4204th ranked
What are you dim-wits at AOL going to do when Trump is gone. Who are you going to **** all over and lie about? Surely not Mr. J. Biden! AOL must be getting paid to overlook all the dirt and **** the democrats are hiding but AOL does not report anything but hate on conservatives and anything that Trump thinks, says or does. AOL Sucks.
4204th ranked -
Trump is NOT MAKING FALSE CLAIMS as you illiterate, *****, * heads,Anti-American, Hillary kiss , Obama surrogates and outright ****** constantly claim. AOL is a disgrace to this country. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
2345th ranked -
2345th ranked
2345th ranked
Stop backing a corrupt politican
You say Trump lies but give a pass to Joe with his lies. Trump never called our dead soldiers losers. But it is ok for Biden to say he did. Biden says he took no money from China, well it went to Hunter first does that make what he said right. I am changing my homepage after all this time
2345th ranked -
Front page news ALWAYS something bad about Trump. Give it a break AOL. You are showing your true self.
Always some kind of bull about Trump. Always something ugly about him. Give it a break already.
655th ranked -
Stop all the ads crowding the news articles. It is very hard to read.
Its is very annoying and hard to read and enjoy news articles of interest because of all the ads competing for the space.
253rd ranked -
be less one sided
Ever headline is pro Biden and against Trump. I hope you realize that 75 million people minimum, hate Biden and believe the election was rigged. We're mad and don't care what Biden thinks. It's not over yet. All you are doing is irritating people or have you been bought out along with most of the media?
4204th ranked -
REMIND the PUBLIC (Americans are not to blame for the COVID)...the Communists are:
US together for the BIGGER CAUSE( Get that Message out)
Remind the US Citizens that "The Covid, has NOT been caused by; Trump, Biden, Congress or the HR. It was the Communists across the Sea, who planted this terrible curse on Americans, to make our GOV. Employees, look like fools in thee eyes of Americans, and our allies. Its high time that Both sides; should Work Together, for the (Betterment of Everyone). Just like EVERYONE did, when we fought against the Japanees in the WW ll. Least we forget;" a Country Divided"!...You get NOTHING DONE!,...but fighting against ourselves, which is…
4204th ranked -
local news for upstate NY
Love the way my local news here in the Finger Lakes region of New York state, has local news from Ohio, NATIONAL SPORTS SCORES, indiana. Great editors. No one worries about losing their jobs anymore.
4204th ranked -
August King New Hit Man for the Dems
August King and the rest of the Dems have been trying to take down a duly elected president for 3 1/2 years now, and he is worried about democracy? And YOU,AOL, have been complicit! Journalism has been dead at AOL since huff post took over!
1086th ranked -
Obama/Hillary DNC Whining
It's rich that obama's 8 years of economy couldn't touch Trump's in 3 years. But, then, Obama didn't have to deal with covid. And Hillary instigated the Russia collusion hoax that obama willingly participated in AS IS COMING TO LIGHT! So, let's recount, The democrats have NO PLATFORM, NOTHING TO OFFER THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. THEY HAVE NOT CONDEMNED THE VIOLENCE AND WHEN PRESSURED, DNC CHAIRMAN WEAKLY SAYS "WE DON'T SUPPORT DEFUNDING THE POLICE". From out here the Blacks don't want less police, everyone is sick of the blue state/cities violence, and hear the democrats offering NOTHING BUT WHINING AND BASHING…
1086th ranked -
4204th ranked
Ryan Grenoble of Huffpost FAIL on Connery's Bond
Ryan must be a millennial, otherwise he would know Connery was NOT the first Bond. What a HUGE FAIL! But what can we expect from another left wing media outlet?
2345th ranked -
Sean Connery the First Bond?
Do YOU, AOL, ever fact check your "third party news"? This just shows us how stupid YOU are when YOU can't even get the "first James Bond" correct!
2345th ranked -
Sean Connery the First Bond?
Do YOU, AOL, ever fact check your "third party news"? This just shows us how stupid YOU are when YOU can't even get the "first James Bond" correct!
2345th ranked
- Don't see your idea?