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  1. 4192nd ranked

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  2. Show more Class and Tact when speaking of Americans and Trump.

    I have to agree with those comments below. Whenever you report something about Trump it is in a negative light and it is quite annoying. Stating that Trump is trying to subvert the American voters is dismissive of well half of the country. Not every American voted for Trump ... remember that!!

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  3. Allow comments after all AOL articles.

    Why no comments section after the article on Cruz and others continuing election insanity?

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  4. New Evidence Implicates Ghislane Maxwell (and Bill Clinton)

    I don't really need to add to that, but Bill Clinton SHOULD HAVE BEEN PART OF YOUR HEADLINE, AOL! But we know that YOU will do anything to protect your own felons! And we know that Clinton NEVER lies about ***!

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  5. Real News You Won't see on AOL

    "Everyone knew about Epstein". Everyone already knew that Clinton had flown on the ****** express and had been to "the island". So, NOT A PEEP, from the "media" about the document "dump" in the continuing saga. And, Ghislane's attorneys are trying to quash them. Talk about a living "black book". If she sings, a lot of your buddies, AOL, may go down. And, ********, there are still riots in Portland. A BLACK reporter was stabbed in the back. That's one more instance, showing this has NOTHING to do with real black lives matter. BLM is a Marxist political organization. (Trump's…

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  6. NBA player "doesn't care if Trump watches"?

    We don't care what the player thinks! Just watch the ratings for sports go in the toilet if the kneeling for the flag and national anthem is shown!

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    The FDA approved hydroxychloroquine over SIXTY years ago. Why are YOU AOL suddenly carrying stories that it's a killer? IT'S BECAUSE TRUMP RECOMMENDED IT! I just saw another certified ER doctor attesting to the efficacy of the drug! It's just another no-holds-barred move on the part of the left to try to regain political power at any cost! And Ohio reversed the decision to ban the drug. IT WAS PURELY POLITICAL TO BAN IT!

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  8. Obama Co-opting a Funeral (that AOL called a eulogy)

    The democrats are desperate to regain power. They DO NOT CARE if it ruins cities, businesses or harms citizens! Obama had the audacity to attack the police, Trump and everything else and pretend it had anything to do with race or fairness or anything else. And it was in a church, which means nothing to democrats that would rather allow riots than church attendance! The horrible truth is out, but AOL and the rest of the liberal media DOES NOT CARE. IT'S NOW GET RID OF TRUMP, GET BACK IN POWER AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!

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  9. AOL supports Democratic Voter Fraud.

    Why a National Election when the Democrats just pop up fraudulent ballots, postal worker in Michigan reports that he was ordered to back date ballots, observation in Major Dem Cities were blocked.
    AOL is in the boat with this voter fraud.
    I attempted to close my account but was told my wife's and daughter's account would also be gone.

    I am so sick of big tech liberal bias

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  10. 2341st ranked

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  11. Block Spam

    Yahoo was able to block this spam -- why can't AOL? Contains inline images Get LeafFilter Today and Save 10% PLUS an $100 off 11:33 am

    a new message from subject: "how to naturally get hard, and stay hard for as long as you want." Sent: Thu Jun 04 2020 Contains inline images how to naturally get hard, and stay hard for as long as you want. 11:23 am

    a new message from subject: "claim your CoolAir with 50% discount - Free worldwide shipping for a [limited time]" Sent: Thu Jun 04 2020 Contains inline…

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  12. Biden/Harris Gaff/Lying Duo

    So now Biden thinks he attended Delaware State, or does he? Gaffe or lie, you decide. Kamala, best rapper, Tupac.(dead) Nothing about Kamala’s support for the protests. (Riots) She thinks they should continue. Maybe they (antifa) will “protest” at AOL. Bet you wouldn’t support that, AOL!

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  13. Quit showing your liberal agenda, it's annoying!!

    Drop all of your editorials and news coverage, it's politicized and biased!

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  14. 4192nd ranked

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    4192nd ranked

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  16. Bingo game still dysfunctional. PLEASE !!!!!! FIX THIS ISSUE



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  17. Please lose the ads containing repetitive gifs, and please lose the ads displaying bodily fluids.

    Please lose the ads containing repetitive gifs, and please lose the ads displaying bodily fluids.

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  18. B W undercovered holes

    Hey boys, hey girls,

    I just read the feedback listed on first place.
    I've got the same occupation.
    News from the other side, maybe in less coverage with the other slim fitted spaghetti knitted underwear.

    'at least, be sure, they'l never mind, just say:
    I' ll wanna pick down, down your underwears.

    WHooo oo

    VR es

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  19. Fix last update for Hearts

    Last update removed all on my backgrounds, card types on Hearts only. My stats show that I have played 38358 games of hearts. When I click on a new background, I'm told that I haven't played enough games.

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  20. Stop generating headlines to influence the news

    You are supposed to report the new in an unbiased manner, not try to influence the news to support your own biased narrative. This is why I never read AOL news.

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