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10830 results found

  1. Why doesn't AOL just change their logo to "Bash Trump" and be done with it?

    Why doesn't AOL just change their logo to "Bash Trump" and be done with it?

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  2. It is laughable how AOL can jokingly call themselves unbiased with the daily Trump bashing. I hope no one takes AOL news seriously.

    How many articles have you seen lately with AOL bashing what's his name....(The guy with no memory.)?

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  3. Allow conservatives to respond to Comments

    Stop censoring conservative ideas. Can AOL report ANY story objectively? You don't respect your own audience, your users. Are you asking us to leave AOL??? Because we can.

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  4. Comment section points

    It amazes me AOL, that after all my complaints about "points" for likes and dislikes, that to this day are wrong. I've asked several times to get this fixed and still with almost 50K points, you have me at 1. Sorry, I simply can't understand why you don't have this fixed. So again I ask, please fix this.....

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  5. censorship

    I see you Nazis are still blocking me. It took you a while this time. Perhaps you were trying to figure out what I had to say about bitcoins. I sincerely hope you invested heavily in them.

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  6. News

    AOL news is the most mundane news company around.
    Why some of your stories are published is a mystery and the non-news items are mind boggling. Why is it news that Sully isn't using Twitter? Who cares what famous people use Twitter or Meta, or are watching CNN?
    Put stories that have some value and not just fill up space.

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  7. Stop not allowing conversations when you articles are tRUMP negative.

    All you red hats quit thinking AOL is a liberal outlet. It isn't. Never has been never will be. AND, I'll bet no one at AOLL even reads our feedback!

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  8. 4204th ranked

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  9. Treat everyone the same way and stop pandering to certain groups

    it seems lately if you have an article on Israel that is in a negative light, you don't allow comments. WHY?

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  10. Please code the articles to where comments are open or not available. Won't waste time reading the ones where comments are not available.

    Allow comments are all posts. You put out very bias stories and leave no room for comments. Please stop censoring your material. If you do not feel good about it and prevent comments, don't put the article out.

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  11. So I guess we'll be allowed to comment after the mid-terms?

    Liberalism is the most dangerous type of mental illness.

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  12. Stop rejecting my comments

    Stop rejecting my comments

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  13. censorship

    It has been about a year since AOL has accepted (they don't even read my comments before they reject them) my comments most of them are well thought out and do not attack anyone (except in this case Russians -- I guess AOL is pro-Russian as well as being anti-American).

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  14. STOP refusing to provide "Conversations" on some of your articles.

    Why have you failed, again, to put your conversation section on this article. All news about everything worthy of your posting SHOULD be open to our comments!

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  15. 2345th ranked

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  16. Become more American and less of a Marxist support team member...

    Become more American and less of a Marxist support team member...

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  17. Estou em busca de empresas para

    Estou em busca de empresas de odontologia em curitiba
    Achei essa

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  18. 4204th ranked

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  19. I will drop my AOL account since they can't report the news. Bash GOP, democrats can do no wrong

    Let take just one of the many disasters of Biden, the boarder. Why not report on the number of deaths, the drugs, the sex trafficking and the thousands of illegals entering the U.S. daily.

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  20. On 9-11 of the 58 cover stories 9-11 is on the back pages. the Queens death which was sad dominates most of your pages. I think that is cold

    On 9-11 of the 58 cover stories 9-11 is on the back pages. the Queens death which was sad dominates most of your pages. I think that is wrong.

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