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10830 results found
I agree with these anti conservative comments, there are other views be open minded.
Less ANTI Conservative views would go a long way AOL.
I'm VERY close to deleting my account. WHY should I pay $23 a months to support views I don't believe in ?
Ya know you CAN get E-Mail service that's FREE...!!2345th ranked -
2345th ranked
Stop shoving your liberal bias to us every day with your news clips that I have to see evertime I wanna checm my email
How about being fair and post equal political topics not just anti-trump stories
2345th ranked -
mike pence obviously won the debate, yet you start off with sen, harris winning, aol is so politically biased it really gets old!!!
im closing my aol account and going to gmail, you guys suck, pence obviously won the debate and all aol does is bury trump.........disgusting!!!!
2345th ranked -
You CAN'T improve AOL!
"Biden beats Trump in convention". RIGHT! In your asswiped dreams!
You clods are so full of **** that you stink!
You just can't stand the real truth - and proof.
But then that's what ******* losers do - when they can't reach up to the level of the other side or group, they try to drag the other side DOWN to their level.
That is what has taken this country down to the level it has been for so long and brought on all this ******** we are dealing with today. And losers like you are a big part of…1505th ranked -
I Think YOU AOL are Hopeless! Trashing Trump's Economy
I didn't bother reading the article, because it's TRASH ALL THINGS TRUMP, but if it weren't for covid, this is the best economy since Reagan. And his was so good it lasted through Clinton! If it weren't for Trump, the recovery would not be going this well. It's the blue states and cities that are holding the economy back. Not only are the blue shutdowns harming the economy, but they are anti-religious! I see Biden finally made it out of the basement, but I see and hear FEAR from all you leftists! The violence won't turn out well for YOU,…
2345th ranked -
Be equal in political news items
Do you ever have anything negative to say about democrats? You constantly ***** conservatives, especially Trump. It's getting very old. Stop trying to interfere in the election and either cover both side equally or not at all. I never read anything you put out anymore as I know the ***** you'll take. It's infuriating. I've had AOL forever as my email platform, but I'm about ready to switch.
1505th ranked -
Check spelling in articles.
Check spelling in articles. A male shot by police being paralyzed from the "waste" down. The correct spelling is "waist"
4204th ranked -
Romney might want to change parties...I'm sorry I ever voted for him..
Romney is a closet Democrat
10589th ranked -
Make the CEO and next 5 under that position have to scroll through 2 complete articles that go NEXT, NEXT NEXT and jump around trying NEXT
Please make your CEO and 5 positions under that scroll through 2 complete articles on AOL that require NEXT, NEXT, NEXt and jump as you try to NEXT to advertisements. Times are hard enough but to almost go POSTAL just trying to look at an article is in humane and plain WRONG. One I would suggest is " Sight Uncovered In Alaska May Change Civilization" another "Domino's staff saw issue with regular's order and called cops".
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
Your liberal **** is too much to take. Cancel me immediately..
I cannot take anymore. After 25 years of being an AOL subscriber.. I am deleting my account. Liberal / progressives will ruin this country...
4204th ranked -
Do away with the "click next page" stories and just put the story on 1 page.
I refuse to click thru those. Takes FOREVER to get to the meat of the story.
440th ranked -
Keep telling the TRUTH
All of these whiners complain about the posts being anti-trump. They ARE TRUE but trumpers hate the TRUTH. He LIES about COVID-19 and just about anything that is spouted from his lips.
2345th ranked -
Stop the support of the left and the bashing of our president.
The campaign by AOl to unseat our President form the day he was sworn in will prove uneventful. Your continuous efforts only inflamed the silent majority that will re-elect Mr. Trump. Thanks for that.
2345th ranked -
2345th ranked
Yes yes that "AOC" as stated in a years ago Saturday morning cartoon she's a "SUPER GENIUOS"...:)
Yes yes that "AOC" as stated in a years ago Saturday morning cartoon she's a "SUPER GENIUOS"...:)
2345th ranked -
Anti America Online
Please change the name or close down this disgraceful site
821st ranked -
I support Tucker Carlson. Keep telling the truth that the left hates to hear!
I support Tucker Carlson. Keep telling the truth that the left hates to hear!
1505th ranked -
Stop being a 100% partisan news feed for the Democratic party.
Your news feed is 100% biased against Trump and the republican party. As soon as my Obligation to your un American company is over...I'm switching to another provider. You are Neither fair or impartial as a news feed should be. Disgraceful!
1505th ranked
- Don't see your idea?