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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10771 results found
10533rd ranked
Sorry but news about a new tatoo of someone from Hollywood is not news! Please!
Sorry but news about a new tatoo of someone from Hollywood is not news! Please!
4190th ranked -
stop bashing Trump and Republicans
You need need to put negative news about Joe Biden and Democrats.
I did not sign up for AOL to read all this bias news.4190th ranked -
4190th ranked
fire all you aol morons and go out of business
you guys suck and would not know what news is if it kicked you i the nuts
4190th ranked -
Outrageous that AOL used MSNBC as a news source! Zero balance in AOL's reporting.
It's pretty obvious that AOL is not interested in any balance along a political spectrum. MSNBC is purely biased liberal propaganda. Shame on you!
252nd ranked -
Please forward to the proper department...I have been an AOL member since my first at home computer.
Today I was never more thankful for being a part of the AOL team. Yesterday I went to sign into a web site for what I thought was a dog breeder in NC. Went I clicked on notice that was posted, all kinds of bells,alerts and notices popped up on my screen. I hit ALT...Control..Delete immediately and shut the computer down. When I was able to sine in again, I had not e-mail, new, old, trash, etc..also M Favorite Places was blank. I shut the computer down and ran my "Fix ME Stick". no luck..I could not send anything to…
2340th ranked -
Have your comment editors be NON-BIAS! It s ok to be a Dems or Trump supporter; but not ok to edited out freedom of speech to AOL customer.
Have your editors be NON-bias! Its ok to be Dems or Trump supporters; But Not ok to edited out freedom of speech to AOL customers.
813th ranked -
I see many comments saying report both sides of news in fairness. Give the FACTS.
fact based reporting, not blogs or social media hype .
650th ranked -
How about reporting the TRUTH?
I have been following AOL for close to 20 years but I REALLY HATE your Liberal lies. How can you people sleep at night?
650th ranked -
Portland Oregon Real News
YOUR REPORT, AOL, about federal intervention making Portland worse, is a bald face lie, supported by leftist witnesses. The VIOLENCE had gone on for more than a month, allowed by YELLOW AND BLUE politicians that thought allowing this would endear them to the thugs! Well, the Portland mayor found out how that works, when he was called every name in the book and called on to resign, by the very leftists that he has let destroy his city, at the riots last night! I say once again, YOU and your leftist buddies have overplayed this to everyone's detriment! ARE YOU…
813th ranked -
AOL whats up with your insane republican/Trump hate ? It really needs to stop !
AOL what is up with your insane republican/Trump hate ? Stop it !
813th ranked -
Still can't comment on news articles, gets rejected everytime even thou follow guidelines
Can't improve AOL, they don't care about the problem and won't fix it. What does that mean?? They don't care about you
1500th ranked -
813th ranked
Why are you censoring me? I have been threatened and the people who did it are still on your site, I counter their hate and you censor me,
Better service that is fair!
4190th ranked -
AOL and Trump
AOL is Anti-American and Sucks. Biden stole election and AOL covers up for the brain dead democrats. I despise AOL and everyone who works for them.
4190th ranked -
4190th ranked
4190th ranked
Stop posting lies and **** about Trump!
Your hateful news about the President are sickening! Please stop!!!!
4190th ranked -
By actually telling the truth!
I’m extremely disappointed with the mainstream media, and of course with big tech, their bias towards conservatives has reached critical mass, there are currently 75 to perhaps 100 million unabashed conservatives and Trump supporters, who’ve witnessed for over 4-years political malfeasance and criminality from those within government, institutions like the FBI and the Justice Department are know no better then an organized crime syndicate, allowing big name politicians to escape without prosecution…imagine for a moment an individual destroying court ordered evidence or lying under oath and not going to jail, yet that’s exactly what we’ve witnessed from Democratic politicians…and we…
4190th ranked
- Don't see your idea?