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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10816 results found
Quite baiting people on Black and White issue when none exit.
Be a Journalist not a race batter.Shame on you!!!!
4202nd ranked -
Biden began 2022 in rough shape. He's ending it with a series of wins.
Yahoo News
ALEXANDER NAZARYAN...go away, because you are not FIT the US std!!!! Get one way ticket to CUBA, VENEZUELA OR A-frican country....Your GARBAGE is hard to swallow!!!!4202nd ranked -
Thankyou AOL for proving that Liberlism is the most dangerous form of mental illness.
Learn from Elon Musk
4202nd ranked -
AOL is the ****** of the democrat party, they will not speak the truth, just ****!
AOL needs to tune into GUTFELD, he's making fools out of Kimmel and Cobert.. AOL is the ****** of the democrat party, they will not speak the truth, just ****!
280th ranked -
All AOL can do is pick on Truump and Desantis. When will you report on the biden crime??
All AOL can do is attack Trump and Desantis. When will you report on biden crime and treason? Never.
4202nd ranked -
Quit wholesale censoring of folks like me who freely express political opinions based on my own standards of current common sense and facts
Quit wholesale censoring of folks like me who freely express political opinions based on MY life's experience with common sense and factual honesty in stating what they are.
4202nd ranked -
Stop using Hitler type tactics to block opposing opinions
Do what Twitter is doing and expose your own biased censorship.
4202nd ranked -
AOL is doing exactly what Twitter is now exposing
Follow Musk lead and fix your dysfunctional service and expose the truth.
4202nd ranked -
4202nd ranked
AOL helped put America in this death spiral just like Twitter
Follow Elon Musk lead and fix the problem YOU helped create
4202nd ranked -
i need help to fix this, help
i need help fixing the error when i try to compose or create a comment .on aol news. i didn't know the reason why am i restricted and i also dont know if i violated something because i read the terms of service and i im fully aware of that .
2343rd ranked -
ask people if the like sports or games & stop showing them so they will browse more- those 2 things feel pushed
ask if people want to see stuff about games or sports. if they say no then something useful may be able to replace those pics or stories.
4202nd ranked -
If aol could go bankrupt that would be a step in the right direction! And fire every single loser liberal dimocrapic employee!! You are nothing but a mouthpiece for the ignorant free stuffer liberal idiots anyway!!!!
4202nd ranked -
Freedom of Speach
You could start with allowing freedom of speech. It is ridiculous the way some post are allowed even with vulgarity and slurs time after time to only be reprimanded with a couple day suspension to go back on the comment section to do the same again and again, while others are permanently banned for censorship that does not align with the AOL opinion. Hopefully once Twitter has been exposed for what it is worth there will be class action lawsuits against other big tech media sites including AOL for doing the same.
4202nd ranked -
you can post what we write not what you like!! im sick of your propaganda!!! i wish i could get rid of this horrible site!!! let the truth b
allow people to speak their mind not your liberal ********
4202nd ranked -
Report the news fairly
You're always quick too report something bad about Republications, but never say anything band about Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Joe Biden and his party is one disaster after another. Don't be biased, be fair and report the truth on both sides.2343rd ranked -
start by being fair and balance
Just TRY to be fair and balanced
2343rd ranked -
you either stop bashing Trump and Republicans or I leave AOL pronto!!!!
stop bashing trump and republicans or I'm gone as a customer
1083rd ranked -
Stop censoring which articles you provide comments on!!!
Usually the 1st article is restricted with no ability to comment which is in the Navy term, Chicken ****...!
1083rd ranked -
..why are all my feedbacks not posted...?
..why are all my feedbacks not posted...?
2343rd ranked
- Don't see your idea?