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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10821 results found
Take note from Elon Musk and make AOL American again...
4202nd ranked -
If you ever have something positive to say about a conservative cause or person, let me know. Surprise me!
If you ever have something positive to say about a conservative cause or person, let me know. Surprise me!
2343rd ranked -
Stop using Yahoo news. It is no way news. It is a GOP and Trump trashing service working on behalf of the progressives.
Where did you find Yahoo News? there is no way that they can actually report unbiased news. I was a senior AOL employee 20 years ago during the AOL Time Warner merger. I have been an AOL subscriber since that time and cannot understand how your news reporting has gone so far down the toilet! how about some truth for a change!
4202nd ranked -
Aol app need
AOL app update not works properly when I reply to a thread or any email. Your tech advice to submit a feedback.
4202nd ranked -
Regarding your games, specifically Texas Hold em:
AOL Texas Hold 'em poker used to attract thousands of players. There was even a "club" that tracked statistics (("High Stakes Poker Players Club" -- HSPPC).
However, once advertising was inserted into the game, player numbers plummeted. Where it was once common to see 2,000+ players in a single poker tournament, last night, in the final game of the day, there were 78 players.
I'm not sure what you've done, but it appears you're trying to cram more advertising into the game; however, the result is that the "poker table" where players play has been reduced to matchbook size --…
4202nd ranked -
Looks like we take our AOL comments to face book and other social media sites. Hitler would be proud of you....
4202nd ranked -
stop this spam
stop this spammer
4202nd ranked -
4202nd ranked
Stop all the **** with the left-winged biased nonsense news stories. The left is DESTROYING this country and you are helping them do it!
Stop all the **** with the left-winged biased nonsense news stories. The left is DESTROYING this country and you are helping them do it!
1503rd ranked -
Comments section
Get rid of the comments sections. It has just turned in to a hate session between Republicans and Democrats. And, so many people can't stay with the topic. I used to love it, but no more. The comments section is just causing more and more discord. It doesn't help at all.
1503rd ranked -
Dear sir,
I seem to have been locked out of making comments. I received no warning as to this and NO comment AS TO HOW LONG IT WILL BE. I have tried MANY times to get an answer about this to no avail!I know you will scream about violating community standards, NO! I know the event that brought it on. I had made a comment that was censored for violating COMMUNITY STANDARDS. I SAW NOTHING THAT WOULD VIOLATE ANY COMMUNITY STANDARDS! I was angered and copied the post and reposted it after removing a sentience which was of course…
4202nd ranked -
Why doesn't AOL just change their logo to "Bash Trump" and be done with it?
Why doesn't AOL just change their logo to "Bash Trump" and be done with it?
4202nd ranked -
It is laughable how AOL can jokingly call themselves unbiased with the daily Trump bashing. I hope no one takes AOL news seriously.
How many articles have you seen lately with AOL bashing what's his name....(The guy with no memory.)?
4202nd ranked -
Allow conservatives to respond to Comments
Stop censoring conservative ideas. Can AOL report ANY story objectively? You don't respect your own audience, your users. Are you asking us to leave AOL??? Because we can.
4202nd ranked -
Comment section points
It amazes me AOL, that after all my complaints about "points" for likes and dislikes, that to this day are wrong. I've asked several times to get this fixed and still with almost 50K points, you have me at 1. Sorry, I simply can't understand why you don't have this fixed. So again I ask, please fix this.....
2343rd ranked -
I see you Nazis are still blocking me. It took you a while this time. Perhaps you were trying to figure out what I had to say about bitcoins. I sincerely hope you invested heavily in them.
4202nd ranked -
AOL news is the most mundane news company around.
Why some of your stories are published is a mystery and the non-news items are mind boggling. Why is it news that Sully isn't using Twitter? Who cares what famous people use Twitter or Meta, or are watching CNN?
Put stories that have some value and not just fill up space.4202nd ranked -
Stop not allowing conversations when you articles are tRUMP negative.
All you red hats quit thinking AOL is a liberal outlet. It isn't. Never has been never will be. AND, I'll bet no one at AOLL even reads our feedback!
4202nd ranked -
How about you let people say what they actually think in response to a comment? Why 'moderate' only conservative viewpoints?
All free speech to conservatives like you do liberals. What a novel idea!
4202nd ranked -
Treat everyone the same way and stop pandering to certain groups
it seems lately if you have an article on Israel that is in a negative light, you don't allow comments. WHY?
4202nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?