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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10828 results found
quit bashing Trump and covering for the moronic democrats
I think you folks are a democratic sewage pit Quit the Trump bashing and post real news?!!
534th ranked -
We've seen enough of the coming out story. Isn't there something more interesting for the vast majority instead of the minority?
Find stories that interest the majority of readers. Human interest stories are available every day; especially random acts of kindness or for the heroism of first responders or children doing amazing things in their innocence.
4204th ranked -
Where is the "conversations" section for this article?
AOL members deserve to comment on ALL articles. This one about two gay people holding an elected office is one. Sexual orientation has no bearing whatsoever on a person's ability to serve our country.
4204th ranked -
STOP refusing to provide "Conversations" on some of your articles.
AOL members deserve to express their opinion about the council members in LA who have refused to resign after their racist comments were heard on the recording of their conversation. They should be FIRED since neither will resign.
4204th ranked -
4204th ranked
How About Using "FREE SPEECH", would that work?
How would it work to NOT ban people whose ideas and comments do not fit YOURS?
440th ranked -
In the last 2-4 weeks, I've been inundated with spam e-mails. I think your spam filter needs some updating.
In the last 2-4 weeks, I've been inundated with spam e-mails. I think your spam filter needs some updating.
2345th ranked -
No Trump picture on first page loaded
Stop putting Trumps picture on first page
4204th ranked -
STOP refusing to provide "Conversations" on your articles that are negative about tRUMP. This is the one about tRUMP's anti-Semiti statement
Here we go again. If an article is negative about tRUMP AOL members can't express their views.
4204th ranked -
Where is the "conversations" section for this article about tRUMP?
So, AOL won't let members comment on this article about tRUMP possibly taking an INSANITY defense for his guilt in the Jan 6 insurrection. Well, I've known he was insane since way before he was wrongly elected president. His followers are insane too.
4204th ranked -
Shame on aol newsom has destroyed Californa and the idiots that kept in office deserved what they get that’s why thousand have left Californa
2345th ranked -
Read these messages
Obviously no one bothers to read these messages since the robot censors continue to reject comments based only on the address of the posting and not, as AOL claims, the content
2345th ranked -
stop blocking free speach
call you US Senator
2345th ranked -
Improve your news
I am tired of seeing all the negative comments/ads on Trump it is not the full story, your news blips are are to make him look bad. They are not the full story. They are slanted to the negative.
1504th ranked -
Bring back comments!!!
Bring back comments on news feed!!!
2345th ranked -
4204th ranked
1504th ranked
AOL should be neutral not biased
Change ownership
1504th ranked -
I had my comment censored
I had my comment censored for one word 'pathetic' WHY? STOP CHOOSING OUR GOOD AND BAD WORDS
4204th ranked -
You people are sick perverted anti Americans. Your constant phony anti Trump news is beyond sickening. You are nothing more then laughable
You people are sick anti Americans. You are laughable at best. Your constant anti Trump BS is better suited for communists. Your news is not news its sick and disgusting brainwashing for those who are weak. My idea is you stop your constant anti Trump left sing Soros *** kissing and become somewhat of real news instead of fake ****. Im done with AOL
4204th ranked
- Don't see your idea?