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  1. 4173rd ranked

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  2. 4173rd ranked

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  3. 4173rd ranked

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  4. Trump

    What are you dim-wits at AOL going to do when Trump is gone. Who are you going to **** all over and lie about? Surely not Mr. J. Biden! AOL must be getting paid to overlook all the dirt and **** the democrats are hiding but AOL does not report anything but hate on conservatives and anything that Trump thinks, says or does. AOL Sucks.

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  5. 4173rd ranked

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    4173rd ranked

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  7. 2330th ranked

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  8. Stop being so political with your ads. You obviously are very pro-Biden. You're very negative towards the current president. Not cool.

    I've been a very long time customer and I'd rather your ownership stays non political. Not all of your customers are Democrats or Socialists. You should keep that in mind. Thanks for listening.

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  9. Trump

    Trump is NOT MAKING FALSE CLAIMS as you illiterate, *****, * heads,Anti-American, Hillary kiss , Obama surrogates and outright ****** constantly claim. AOL is a disgrace to this country. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  10. 2330th ranked

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  11. Supporting False advertising

    Im surprised that AOL is supporting false advertising of the "Lifelike" pets. The seller is showing the action packed movement of their "toys" and claiming that they are just like a real animal. They are not. The advertisement is false and makes false promises that the buyer will receive something other than a badly made toy.

    AOL should NOT be supporting this seller, at any time.

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  12. 2330th ranked

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  13. Stop backing a corrupt politican

    You say Trump lies but give a pass to Joe with his lies. Trump never called our dead soldiers losers. But it is ok for Biden to say he did. Biden says he took no money from China, well it went to Hunter first does that make what he said right. I am changing my homepage after all this time

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  14. AOL hates President Trump and his family also all Republicans !

    AOL hates President Trump and his family also all Republicans !

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  15. How can you approve America On Line

    First you can actually become AMERICA On Line!!!

    You can quit the SELECTIVE CENSORSHIP!

    CENSORSHIP is bad enough, SELECTIVE CENSORSHIP is the epitome of IGNORANCE !

    So please either change you tactics or change you name as you INSULT this veteran by having AMERICA in you title while using SELECTIVE CENSORSHIP to block peoples OPINIONS!

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  16. post more NEWS! There are weather disasters happening all around the world and in the US..THOSE ARE NEWS..

    REPORT NEWS! NOT POLITICS, SPORTS, ENTERTAINMENT! There are many things happening in the US and around the world that AOL never reports at all. Stop posting BIASED reporting on attempts to create RACISM where none exists.

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  17. Why are you always so negative?????

    Why are you always so negative?

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  18. AOL delivers FAKE NEWS

    Many of the top articles I see are proven to be Fake. Is AOL caring enough to check for the TRUTH ?

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  19. AOL why are you so obsessed with Trump/Republican hate maybe try something else instead !

    AOL why are you so obsessed with Trump/Republican hate ? Maybe try something else like simply relax instead as to help your mental health !

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  20. Sept. 21, 2020 Your healine: (How Dare You AOL!)Trump to nearly all-white crowd: 'You have good genes'

    Your headline: "Trump to nearly all-white crowd: 'You have good genes."

    As a registered Democrat and lifelong progressive I say say without doubt that AOL's cowardly editorial staff has created an all new low for editorial standards,.....Trump OBVIOUSLY meant "As Americans" we have good genes.

    It's one thing to write such filth but the worst part is that none of your cowardly staff had the nerve to sign their name to their hateful innuendo!

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