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120 results found

  1. How can spam be reported so email messages are blocked at the server?

    How can spam be reported so email messages are blocked at the server?

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  2. 23rd ranked

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  3. Where is the menu bar

    Where is the menu bar? Do you seriously want to disable people so they can't delete emails, or move them, or do anything with them?

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  4. testidea1


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  5. AOL posts my whole name with my comments. I DON'T want my name just a short nickname shown AOL cant' Fix so I wont use AOL news. Edward S

    This message is from AOL long time customer Edward Soboleski and I use the Comments section on some of your news articles but AOL posts my whole name as specified above. i DON'T WANT my whole name as it can be dangerous to me just a nickname like I use at the NYT and WP. I use the nickname "A Patriot" and my address is "Shangrila" I am going to stop my AOL news comments unless AOL can fix this. AOL is way behind the times and I am a long time customer and will need to go to Gmail…

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  6. How you can IMPROVE!!!

    Oh it's so very simple
    1- bring back some older things that most enjoyed on the old AOL ie:
    Buddy Lists ~ IM's ~ our choice of fonts and sounds ~
    2- articles all 1 page with minium of ads so we can read article
    3- PLEASE cut down on SPAM
    4- How about techs who speak that we can understand

    I could go on as the list goes on and on but Hey you asked......

    18th ranked

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  7. You left off all posts for my local family and friends on Facebook A/C 850 - please restore them.

    I am upset because you have left off all of my family and friends local A/c 850 Facebook posts - why? All of the posts out of my area are there- just not these?

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  8. where are my “old emails” ???

    where are my “old emails”??? The title disappeared along with emails I want to reread!!!

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  9. 73rd ranked

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  10. Warn posters that commenting is going to be unavailable

    I've had an AOL account since 1997 and posted respectful comments on articles for years, yet I have not been able to post any comments for about two months, although I can still click on the thumbs up or down. No rejected comments. Why did this suddenly happen and without notice?

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  11. Removal of Program from TBS Schedule (Power Slap)


    The value of such a program is lost upon this viewer. How does such violence help a child to grow, mature and cope with a personal threat where someone makes to slap one in the face, apparently without reason? What does this do for children under 15? Will children then incorporate such behavior into their own "toolbox" and begin slapping other children without justification? Is this what teachers will see on playgrounds during recess, perhaps even in classrooms? Such behavior on TV is not new. "Studio Wrestling" has been in production since the 50s. My father watched network…

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  12. Why my website not index on AOL Search?

    why my website not index on AOL Search? how to fix index.
    thank you for help.

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  13. Want hobby store or reference to supplies, models. A model of the USS Lexington, a naval carrier, WITH THREE ELEVATORS?wi

    I would appreciate THREE ELE,VATORS TO 'CUT OUT' SO I CAN PUT

    A PLANE ON EACH ONE, TO BE ''IN MOTION''? MY MODEL OF THE SAME WAS TOSSED, A NICE SUGGESTION FOR TWO ELEVATORS ON THE DECK AND ONE ON THE SIDE. I cut out the two platforms, lowered them each with a plane, and glued them with the two lifters down aways. IT ALL REALLY LOOKED SHARP 1

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  15. Question about size of cable to use

    I have a large set of birdhouses and use cable 1/8" to raise them. It's hard to do, does the size of cable make a difference? Should I use a bigger size cable or should I get larger pully?

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  16. How you can IMPROVE!!!

    Oh it's so very simple
    1- bring back some older things that most enjoyed on the old AOL ie:
    Buddy Lists ~ IM's ~ our choice of fonts and sounds ~
    2- articles all 1 page with minium of ads so we can read article
    3- PLEASE cut down on SPAM
    4- How about techs who speak that we can understand

    I could go on as the list goes on and on but Hey you asked......

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  17. 40th ranked

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  18. 23rd ranked

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  19. File complaint

    I contacted your tech support today. A person named Angel assisted me. She refused to let me speak to a Supervisor about issues I had and kept trying to sell me $15 monthly service in which I did not need. She hung up on me after I asked to speak to a supervisor. She should be fired.

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  20. 23rd ranked

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