Damb I hate AOL
I hate to being forced to down load an email app. And having it act as an HOMEPAGE for AOL. What’s worse is you NUTS at the $Chain haven’t a clue. Dude no one wants your garbage- for the news is the EXACT SAME ON EVERY CHANNEL. Accounts are closed for being different opinion than the lol MONITIORS of the sight whom worry of JOB security and flag everyone for closing. So let’s give AOL it’s *******! Oh please AOL give me exactly what you desire for me - and no when I said I want an email app - you AOL gave me a HOME PAGE for AOL propaganda - hum. I do not want you to pay my bill AOL. Lol now for AOL is mental so -if I wanted AOLhome page? I know how to get it - I got AOL mail , by the way your welcome - you idiots gave me a homepage. Damb I hate AOL