AOL Mail Mobile Basic
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail Mobile Web Basic experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
327 results found
Forcing Users to get AOL App?
Put options for email back on top. Not at bottom.
Restore Old Email folder.
Auto move read mail to Old Email.
Allow 3rd party mobile email clients.
You're losing me as a user otherwise.
Fire your designer.
Dispise this version! Please put back old version!
Out with the new, return to the old! It wasn't broken! The new version feel like it is! Want to delete in bulk, PLEASE!
Cannot access attachments.
My address book it not available. Can't access attachments. Hate the format. Can't use back key to go back to main page. Have to delete every email I open from my history. I don't want the ads you can't delete.
What did you do with my old mail folder???
These changes are unacceptable. What happened to the old mail folder
Select all
In settings provide a mechanism to scroll through all emails not just 8. I have an iPad and view more than 8. Additionally, provide means to select all. Also, provide a way to view the next email by an up and down arrow or swiping left and right so one doesn’t have to go “back” every time.
You could answer the phone and help a paying customer either getting email! Your service is nonExistent
Not getting new emails
Remove ads and control spam!!!
How about blocking ALL the spam!?! I get spam that wont even allow me to unsubscribe, when I never subscribed to begin with, then on the ones that do allow an unsibscribe feature, instead of stopping the messages...THEY SEND MORE SPAM!! THEY ALSO LET OTHERS HAVE MY EMAIL AND MY SPAM FLOW INCREASES!!?? WHATS THAT ABOUT?? FIX IT!! AND WHILE YOUR AT IT, HOW ABOUT MAYBE PUTTING IN A BLOCK BUTTON?? YA KNOW...SO I CAN FRIGGIN' BLOCK/UNSUB THESE BASTARDS FROM THE CONSTANT HARRASSMENT AND INFLUX OF DAILY DUMPS IN BOTH MY INBOX AND SPAM BOX!!!! ITS NOT THAT HARD TO…
Please !
Lordy. I have struggled for nearly a month and am so tired of the new version and have fequested the old version AND in settings, I was allowed to request old version BUT this is not the previous version, and it does not recognize my contact email addresses so I have to go to contacts and write done the email address and type it in AND the previous version always included a bcc to me so I knew it was sent without having to go to the ‘sent’ area......Lordy, now the new version is bad and you’ve somehow managedto make…
iPad IOS 10.3.4 - Can't download attachments
Get {"error":{"code":"EC-4020","requestId":"363d7a9f-863d-7e5a-1c21-10000001c800"}} similar to this for any jpeg or mov download in new window from Previous aol mail version for IOS worked well. If it wasn't broken, why have you fixed it orher than apparent unification of multiple mobile platforms into one core?
This new format is not easy fun to use. Please put back old features
This new format is not very good .Please put back old features.
My New Mail screen no longer has a trash can icon, so I can't delete ANYTHING!
Put back the trash can so I can delete my old emails!
Who has decided to change the format it is horrible. Where they drinking
Horrible, horrible and horrible!!
- Don't see your idea?