AOL Mail Nodin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
25 results found
classic mail is better-the new does not work well-why change?
bring back classic mail
12th ranked -
I NEED the basic aol mail version back!
AOL is making it VERY difficult for anyone to easily switch back to
the basic aol mail version.20th ranked -
I want the real basic e-mail back, not some "new" and not improved version.
All of a sudden I had been switched to the new mail. I switched back to basic but it wasn't what I had earlier today. There is an ad in my inbox that I can't delete. I pay for AOL. I should not be subjected to ads. Where is the drop down for me to pick which page of e-mails I want to go to. I now have to arrow through all the pages.
People use the basic for a reason. We just want a plain e-mail. If we wanted all the bells and whistles, we'd use Outlook.
21st ranked -
You broke it
This "new" version sucks and you seem to have made it permanent. Now it takes 2 steps to do things that used to take 1 click.
Can't choose a font that I want.
Why have pages when scrolling worked fine etc. etc. etc........
It wasn't broken and you turned it into garbage.22nd ranked -
Original settings
Go back to the original setting!
24th ranked -
The "Basic Mail" option is not "classic mail" and still eliminates the functionality needed by super-users. Get a grip!
The "Basic Mail" option is not "classic mail" and still eliminates the functionality needed by super-users. Get a grip!
26th ranked -
changing mail back to "unread" doesn't make them darker again as initial "unread" emails are
Emails that I changed after reading, back to "unread,"
When I go to see if they were made "unread" they are not darker as when unread. I can't make the read emails stay unread when I change them to "unread".38th ranked -
There used to be more options for the mail. Like choosing whether to always have the BCC line or not. I chose not to have it, now I am stuck with it on every email.
51st ranked -
59th ranked
If I wanted to have the YAHOO look on my email, I would have been with YAHOO since the 90's. However, I chose to be with AOL since the 90's and would like the classic look back. Why do things change when they are working correctly?????????
64th ranked -
What the Heck?? Where did my signature go?? Why would you delete my signature suddenly??? AOL is in trouble if something so simple is a problem for you.... What the heck???
62nd ranked -
I deleted YEARS of info by accident. The BULK Button is TOO CLOSE to the normal delete. I have lost legal and family info that dates back YEARS. This is WRONG. your tech support say there is no way to RESTORE past 7 days. MY CONTACTS ARE ALL GONE>
149th ranked -
I want to increase the number of emails shown on each page, max 100
I want to be able to increase the number of emails shown on one page, increments of 25 to a max of 100.
149th ranked -
How do I switch to free account
A way to change account type should be available I settings.
Want to go back to free account.
149th rankedPlease let us know if you find what you're looking for following these steps:
Please stop "improving" e-mail. If you improve it anymore it will be unusable. Please allow the user to revert to original format.
Please stop "improving" e-mail. If you improve it anymore it will be unusable. Please allow the user to revert to original format.
97th ranked -
add emaillist
In your CURRENT email "Settings" menu my email address is in a box that says: "1 of 50 used". How do I add another email address to the emaillist and where is the information on this in your "Help" section?
149th ranked -
safe sender
Give me a category option to make a specific email address a "safe sender"
AOL is automatically blocking without warrant a very important email address ""
FIX THIS!115th ranked -
emails print with microscopic font despite my setting set to large type
I can enter settings and set font to large size
However when I print out an important email it comes out with microscopic font size
Please reinstate my ability to chose font and type size and ENABLE me to print out an email in readable size103rd ranked -
Give us what we had...what we deserve! We are not cave people!
Quite simply, you can just put it back the way it was; A fully functional, customizable, word processing type program that allows for more control over the simplest things like font size, type & color. I mean, I can't even BOLD a word if I want to! It's ABSURD that you do not offer this personal control any longer. The fact that you can only see 25 current emails per page is LUDICROUS as well. Why should I have to lazily scroll from page to page to find a prior email? Why do you even HAVE a "SETTING" page, when…
115th ranked -
just simple mail
Just tell the programmers they don't have to put their stamp on the program, it doesn't have to be elegant, it just has to work.
149th ranked
- Don't see your idea?