Spacing Issues & Forced Grouping by Date
Is "ANYONE LISTENING." This horrible, ridiculous, visually painful, dumbed down version of AOL (and I've used AOL mail, various email addresses for various purposes for nearing 30 years, so I'm NOT happy, I was loyal, now I feel forced to leave AOL) - is GROUPING our inbox (possibly other folders as well, honestly it's too visually painful and mind spinning to look at it to check) into time/day/week/month. NO, I want a list of my emails, one list sorted as I want it sorted - AS WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD BEFORE YOU FORCED THIS HORRIFIC CHANGE ON US. This is "wasted real-estate" in my inbox. I can't find anything easily nor see a mere 15 messages in one view, because of the forced grouping is forcing me to scroll to see everything. I do NOT have "grouped discussions" turned on, nor do I use discussions, nor do I want to know what they are, because AOL was my EMAIL provider, not all of that other nonsense, aside from the ORIGINAL calendar events & contacts. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE RESPOND TO WHY AND HOW WE SHUT OFF THE GROUPING OF OUR INBOX AND/OR ANY OTHER FOLDER WHEN WE DON'T WANT IT GROUPED?