AOL not listening & bullying might have worked 2 years ago but NOT NOW. You don't listen. Fine, Peace out!
I am already selecting my new email company and one of the criteria I am using is receptiveness to clients, in general. You have thousands of clients who have reacted to stylistic and discriminatory choices you made in your new format. You have ignored every single one of us with the "reviewing feedback" gaslighting. You fixed something that was not broken. If we wanted Gmail features, we would have gmail...some of us do have gmail for professional uses but AOL for personal use for 30 years. And, there it is. After 30 years of loyalty, you decide our opinions and use of your service is worthless. I. HEAR. YOU. I. AM. LISTENING. And, based on the dumpster fire of the U.S.A. currently, I have been pushed around enough that I am making very diliberate choices. If you don't value me after 30 years, then, I will go elsewhere. It's fine. It's not me. It's you. And, you know it because of the thousands of others who have told you that already.
It was fun. Until it wasn't. You fixed something that wasn't broken, didn't listen, bullied, and were disloyal to us all. Peace out.