carriage return
Carriage return will not work in email. Can't separate out lines in email. Can't add a contact (because it requires a carriage return). It does work on rare occasions, but this is a serious glitch that makes using the system very difficult. It truly seems like AOL is trying to LOSE customers.

patriciafkilleen commented
Unacceptable bug. I am using Windows 10. Need this fixed ASAP
S ZARNSTORFF commented
Dear Product Support: Please deal with this bug. This is a severity 1 System bug that makes AOL Mail nearly unusable. I have had to switch to entering all my communications in gmail. AOL can only be used to read my 300+ emails a day, but to respond, forward, or compose anything, I have to move the email to gmail and create a message there. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.
I use AOL Mail through the Web, in latest Chrome on MAC OSX. This started happening when I was force-switched to the "new interface" in late summer 2023. Now it happens with EVERY single message I try to create.