I see the constant request to revert to old mail, And the option provided takes you to a TOO old version. It makes you click through pages, and again missing functions.
AOL bought Netscape a long time ago, and I have been sticking it out. I HATE to change emails, but AOL has been constantly removing functions I use! Right click search is one
Also Don't like the goto AOL today after sending an email! Should go back to inbox, or what ever folder you were last in.
As for the ad's I have an ad blocker, because they are BAD here and other sites.
I see the constant request to revert to old mail, And the option provided takes you to a TOO old version. It makes you click through pages, and again missing functions.
AOL bought Netscape a long time ago, and I have been sticking it out. I HATE to change emails, but AOL has been constantly removing functions I use! Right click search is one
Also Don't like the goto AOL today after sending an email! Should go back to inbox, or what ever folder you were last in.
As for the ad's I have an ad blocker, because they are BAD here and other sites.