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195 results found
451st ranked
get another news source
not liberal news
451st ranked -
451st ranked
stop showing me so much news from England.
so much London news. I live in Maine. If something important happens, ok, but I do not need multiple articles from London on a daily basis.
451st ranked -
451st ranked
why do you post a headline, then when you tap it, it's NOT in the feed. I'm never happy with the notifications that send me there.
false clickbait
451st ranked -
94th ranked
451st ranked
224th ranked
Change the news items every once in a while. You know the news in the world does change from day-to-day.
I've had the same news items for at least 10 days. National and International news does change daily and even hourly so it would be nice if your news items could reflect that!
94th ranked -
News update
Sick of having to read the left-wing news **** feeds when I open my aol.
158th ranked -
let me get rid of the lefty news sources
let me control my news sources.
451st ranked -
lynda appears to be AOL's tool to justify their political leanings.
Why does AOL tolerate such a foul mouthed individual posting such crude, inarticulate comments otherwise.
158th ranked -
451st ranked
224th ranked
AOL site continues to post old date news. like 30 days older events in past. Boring
post only current news items, less than 24 hours old.
224th ranked -
451st ranked
rfi/farsi AND ir.voanews AND radiofarda are CO-working with AND FOR iran'S terrorist government
iran'S terrorist government
451st ranked -
terrorist attack in America Arizona gila county Mexican id theft snoop the dog pound
I'm a FF1 zone 142 has changed however southern Arizona for the state plus I'm the kid who saved the world in the 80's the crash I bcought the country back . Any way 911 car##* please get this message to everyone my name is Conie A, Rivera111 jr fromwheatfields Arizona.
451st ranked -
451st ranked
- Don't see your idea?